How do I pray?

Unit 18, Session 2, Day 1
Nehemiah 1

There are days when prayer time comes and you are just driven straight to your knees and you just want to cry out “GOOOOOOOOD! I NEED YOU!” Then there are other times. Today’s devotional includes to examples of a model for prayer. The first is the prayer Nehemiah prayed in chapter one, when he learned of he condition of Jerusalem. The next is the prayer Jesus taught us to pray. Some clever soul summarized this model with an acrostic
Prayer isn’t just about giving the gift giver your wish list like God were some giant vending machine. Prayer is a time to intimately approach the Great God who created the universe. The same God who raised Jesus from the dead. Dig into the devotional and consider today’s question: “How are you cultivating a growing view of God as your Father in heaven?

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