Why obey?
Unit 18, Session 3, Day 3
Nehemiah 10
As an expression of the delight at both being restored to the land and being restored in relationship with the God of their fathers, the Israelites committed themselves to obedience. They gathered together, signed a compact and swore an oath to be obedient and provide for God’s temple as they had been commanded in the law. Interestingly, in a class I am currently taking, there was a discussion this week about whether obedience to God was intended to be a duty, or whether it served a purpose in and of itself. Wesley taught that, while there was an “ought-ness” to our obedience, its primary purpose was to act out the change in us that God works in us through our sanctification. This is not to suggest that we in any way sanctify ourselves. Rather, obedience puts us in a posture that allows the Holy Spirit to work His will in our lives by conforming us to the image of Christ. I encourage you to consider that as you complete today’s daily devotional guide.
Nehemiah 10
As an expression of the delight at both being restored to the land and being restored in relationship with the God of their fathers, the Israelites committed themselves to obedience. They gathered together, signed a compact and swore an oath to be obedient and provide for God’s temple as they had been commanded in the law. Interestingly, in a class I am currently taking, there was a discussion this week about whether obedience to God was intended to be a duty, or whether it served a purpose in and of itself. Wesley taught that, while there was an “ought-ness” to our obedience, its primary purpose was to act out the change in us that God works in us through our sanctification. This is not to suggest that we in any way sanctify ourselves. Rather, obedience puts us in a posture that allows the Holy Spirit to work His will in our lives by conforming us to the image of Christ. I encourage you to consider that as you complete today’s daily devotional guide.