God provides a deliverer
DDG, Unit 19, Session 5, Day 3 – Luke 2:39-47 We Westerners have lived our whole lives in relative freedom and prosperity. We’ve had our ups and downs, sometimes severe, but our expectation is that our “normal” state will just naturally return. It serves us well to be reminded from time to time that this has not been humans natural state. Tyranny and poverty have been the norm for most of human history, and is still the case in much of the world today. Add on top of that the observation that nature seems often desirous of our demise through tornadoes, hurricanes, earthquakes and, obviously in our current context, disease. “Where is God in all of that?” you might ask. He has always been there. We see that in the story of His people, Abraham’s descendants. The Passover is the story of His deliverance...