Do you know who you are?

DDG, Unit 20, Session 2, Day 1- Luke 4:1-4

     I noticed specifically something I have tended to read past in the story of Jesus’ temptation in the wilderness. Satan’s first recorded words to Jesus are “If you are the Son of God…” He used food as the “in” to get the conversation started. He came to Jesus when He was hungry. And be certain, He really was hungry. I don’t think the food was the real question. Would this have been an easy thing for Jesus? Of course, it would have. Didn’t He go on to feed thousands on more than one occasion? A little bread for Himself would have been little more than a parlor trick. Satan wanted Jesus to question Himself. He wanted to sow seeds of doubt. 

     This is like the approach he took with Eve in the garden. “Did God really say…” Never a head on question. Never a straight-forward assertion. An oblique question hinting at something deeper. Always linked to something desirable close at hand. Something that, in and of itself, removed from its current context might be harmless or even beneficial. There is nothing wrong with bread for a hungry man. Nor is necessarily wrong with knowledge. But, in that place and time, it is rooted in the questions, “Is God reliable? Does He mean what He says?”

     Jesus knew exactly who He was. He knew where His strength came from. He knew Who the Father was and that His word was the foundation for life. He knew what was really important in that moment and bread wasn’t it, no matter how hungry He was. So, what about you? Are you a child of God? I don’t mean are you a human. Contrary to what some would have you believe we are not all children of God. Have you repented of your sins? Have you trusted in Jesus to be saved from you sins? If you have, then you are an adopted child of God. If not, and you would like to know more, hit the three little lines at the top of the page and fill out the contact form. I’d love to talk to you.

     If you are a child of God, do you know God is reliable? Do you know where your strength comes from? This same Jesus, who resisted the temptation to provide food for Himself sits at the hand of the Father and advocates for you. He sent His Holy spirit to work out His victory over sin in you. And, should you give in to temptation, He is the one who is prepared to restore you. 1 John 1:9 says “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” (NASB) Even when you feel weak or defeated, you have the resources and the responsibility to resist the evil one. 


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