Easy way out?

DDG, Unit 20, Session 2, Day 2- Luke 4:5-8

     Do you ever feel like God just isn’t working quickly enough? He made promises, and it just seems to take forever. We wonder if He is going to come through at all. Other times, we are looking at a situation where our desired outcome is on the other side of some unpleasantness that we wish could be avoided, if only God would intervene.

            Jesus had a short life and a horrible death before Him at this point in Luke’s gospel. He knew He was the rightful ruler of all the earth. Jesus does not challenge Satan’s claim of authority of the earth’s kingdoms, nor does He acknowledge it. He does state emphatically that only God is to be worshiped. Jesus would not be sidetracked from His mission to take a short-cut to what was to be His, on the other side of the cross. You think you have to go through tough times? I doubt there’s a crucifixion in your future. Or, a promise of all the kingdoms of the earth, either, I suppose.

            One thing you may be sure of, though. Someone is going to offer an easy way out. Bored? There are all kinds of things to excite and titillate. Unhappy? There are so many tempting ways to placate that. Not to find happiness, but to “deal” with unhappiness. Gossip? Fantasy? Chemicals? Some venture “on the side”? There are all kinds of shortcuts to receiving the things God promises us in the world today. Creative people who do not know or care for the God of the universe are busily trying to find those things that truly satisfy; which only God can provide. They make them available to you for small sums of money (or large) or for bits of information they can sell to others.

            Satan knows their power and allure. He also knows when you are at your weakest and most vulnerable. Cling to the God who saves and Who provides the power to overcome the evil one. Know His word so you have the resources at hand in the moment of need. He will make a way out from under the temptation. (1 Corinthians 10:13) Whatever Satan is trying to give you the easy path to, God’s way will give you a better outcome, even if the path is uncomfortable.

What things are you tempted to pursue with a shortcut?


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