What a deal?!
DDG, Unit 20, Session 2, Day 3 - Luke 4:9-13
“You scratch my back and I’ll scratch your.” “Quid pro quo.” Phrases that come and go in the popular parlance, but the principle is the same. Our relationships are often transactional. I come to work for a full work, and I get a paycheck on payday. We pay our taxes and the police come when a crime is committed. I pay for my internet and I get to post these blogs. Business relationships are supposed to be transactional. It is their nature. Some relationships are not supposed to be that way, though. They are to be rooted in love. Family. Church. Friends. Transactional expectations ruin those relationships.
It is that way with God. He loves us. He doesn’t love us because we repented. He doesn’t love us because we gave our lives to Him. He doesn’t love us because we overcome temptation. He loves us because He is God. He blesses us out of His love and wisdom. He doesn’t “owe” us anything. The only debt involving our relationship with Him is the sin debt we owed. The one Jesus paid on the cross.
I don’t clarify this often enough, I suppose, but the things I post here are not just my own trip through the Daily Discipleship Guide. I consider those devotionals before I write these posts. Sometimes they line up pretty closely. Sometimes they take a completely different line of though. I encourage you to especially consider the devotional for today. It is powerful. I leave you with the same question published there:
In what ways are you tempted to presume upon God?
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