
Showing posts from November, 2020

You Will All Fall Away, but...

November 16, 2020 DDG, Unit 26, Session 4, Day 1 -  Mark 14:27-31 I sometimes wonder how we would respond if Jesus were to make some prophetic announcement about my own life or ministry that indicated a failure of this magnitude. Or, to be more realistic, if my supervisor or my pastor came and said, "I know I gave you this task, but you are going to fail." We spoke yesterday about how God is constant and reliable. We talked about how Jesus demonstrated that, even when faced with a cross...even when He desired another path, He chose obedience. In today's Day 1 devotional, We are presented with some common examples of how we may fail Christ, and a poignant question:  "In what areas of life will you be a witness to the gospel rather than abandoning your allegiance to Jesus?"  It's a hard question, but one deserving an answer. What do you see coming up in your day today? How can you anticipate a Christ-honoring response? How will you take time to prepare for the...